Staldren Green 25kg /10kg

Size: 10kg Bucket


Powder broad-spectrum disinfectant for stable hygiene.

Staldren Green is a highly effective environmental disinfectant powder.

It is kind to the environment, is phosphate free and PH-neutral, which means that it does not dissolve/or loosen floorings. It does not dry out the animal‘s thin skin, which can cause abrasions and cuts which can then open up for bacterial infection and disease. It is also gentle on human hands and there is no need to use gloves.

Because of its drying and fungal effect, Staldren is able to help reduce the cases of porous hooves and thrush.

Key benefits:
• Proven efficacy against bacteria and fungi such as E-coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Staph.aureus, Streptococcus uberis and Aspergillus niger.
• Creates unfavourable conditions for fly larvae therefore reducing the number of flies in the stable.
• It absorbs damp and moisture and is therefore particularly useful in stalls with high humidity.
• Cleans and disinfects, to achieve a better sanitary condition.
• Staldren binds ammonia to such an extent that both humans and animals can work without the strong smell and breathing difficulties.

Staldren has been internationally tested for bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, yeasts and parasites. Please click here to review the Staldren Green Activity Spectrum.

Staldren Green is available in 25KG or 10KG.

Instructions for proper use:

Apply Staldren® Green all over the floor area with a handful (50-100g) per m2 to ensure that the surface floor area dries out and the smell of ammonia is minimized. It is gentle on human hands so there is no need to use gloves.

Cover the box floor with bedding material and add Staldren® Green along the edges, to ensure that the fly eggs and larvae will dry out. Use twice a week or apply to wet areas where the bedding is changed 2-3 times a week.

It is non-toxic for horses and safe to use in all types of bedding.

Composition: Active Components: Chloramine T. Inactive Components: Iron Oxide Sodium Chloride Pine Oil, Rollovit-Calcium Calcium Carbonate

Function:  Disinfectant Color, Absorbing Product, Flavouring agent Carrier, Carrier Amount 0.30%, 0.80%, 1.00%, 0.05%, 5,98%, 91.87%

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